春 - Life

시놀로지 RT1900ac, DS215+, DS715+, DS1515

민수아빠™ 2015. 3. 23. 18:24

이번 CeBIT 2015에서 선보인 시놀로지의 새로운 제품들입니다.


가장 기대치 못했던 제품중 하나가 바로 Synology Router RT1900ac입니다.



Powerful and accessible router with exclusive Synology add-ons

  • High-speed networking with IEEE 802.11b/g/n/ac support
  • Dual band at 2.4GHz & 5GHz, 3x3 MIMO streams, up to 1.9 Gbps
  • Fresh and intuitive web interface for both beginners and IT experts
  • Exclusive Synology add-on features to build your media library right from the router
  • Advanced features (beamforming, DNS web-filter, advanced QoS prioritization, etc.) for precise management

기대를 모았던 DS215+







가장 의외의 제품 DS1515